We’re dedicated toward empowering the disabled community with today’s
innovative tools that can lead closer to independent living.



Our website will offer in-depth analyses, informative videos of how people with
disabilities use hotel rooms, as well as creating videos that catalog types
and levels of disabilities.


Travel Stay Solutions, LLC in collaboration with Solut3.0 will take a fundamental strategic look at many angles of specific designs and procedures related to hotel stays and other areas of travel. To enhance this concept, the project will enlist the services of Americans with disabilities, Veterans, and Veterans with disabilities to ensure that all valuable and experienced resources are being utilized. Helping to introduce the concept of “ADA Functional®” into the mainstream and creating an informative website is just the start of many other concepts that can enable safer, easier travel for people with disabilities and strengthen the bottom line for participating travel industry organizations. This will be a significant motivation for the travel industry to engage the ADA functional movement. It will be a Win/Win for both the community of people with disabilities and the travel industry.

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What our People say

“Friday, February 9th 1990 (29 years today), I was hit by a drunk driver who then sped away. It just so happens that today I begin a new business venture and the launch of two web sites designed to support the disabled community.”


“Friday, February 9th 1990 (29 years today), I was hit by a drunk driver who then sped away. It just so happens that today I begin a new business venture and the launch of two web sites designed to support the disabled community.”


“Friday, February 9th 1990 (29 years today), I was hit by a drunk driver who then sped away. It just so happens that today I begin a new business venture and the launch of two web sites designed to support the disabled community.”


PHONE: 312 464-1245

Get in touch with us

“The “ADA Functional” slogan and logo are privately owned entities and the sole properties and possessions of “Anthony E. Hinton” and are in no way affiliated with or supported by the American’s Disability Act which is owned by the US Government.”